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Archived Comments for: Changes in vector species composition and current vector biology and behaviour will favour malaria elimination in Santa Isabel Province, Solomon Islands

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  1. Survival rate formula assumes stable age structure

    Olivier Johan Tavai Briët, SWISS TPH

    18 October 2011

    The authors use Davidson's formula (1954) to estimate the survival rate, which assumes that the mosquito population age structure is stable over the period of data collection. Since the data were collected for 10 nights in (only) one month, it is difficult to establish whether the population was approximately stable. If, for instance, the population was growing during the month surveyed, this would lead to underestimation of the survival rate. Even though there is little seasonality of rainfall in the area, the reported low survival rates should be interpreted with caution if there is no evidence that the population was stable.

    Davidson, G. (1954) Estimation of the survival-rate of anopheline mosquitoes in nature. Nature, UK, 174, 792-793.

    Competing interests

    None declared
