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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of household members by SPH vs non-SPH communities

From: Improving malaria knowledge and practices in rural Myanmar through a village health worker intervention: a cross-sectional study


SPH communities (n = 321)

Non-SPH communities (n = 719)

Chi2, p-value

Total (N = 1040)

Age (years)


15 – 35

104 (32.40)

227 (31.57%)


331 (31.83%)

35 – 50

103 (32.09%)

245 (34.08%)


348 (33.46%)

50 – 65

88 (27.41%)

202 (28.09%)

1.4484, 0.694

290 (27.88%)


26 (8.10%)

45 (6.26%)


71 (6.83%)

Education Level


No schooling

85 (26.48%)

212 (29.49%)


297 (28.56%)

Middle school

224 (69.78%)

461 (64.12%)


685 (65.87%)

High School

10 (3.12%)

39 (5.42%)


49 (4.71%)

Graduate School

2 (0.62%)

7 (0.97%)


9 (0.87%)




235 (73.21%)

486 (67.59%)

3.2902, 0.070

721 (69.33%)


86 (26.79%)

233 (32.41%)


319 (30.67%)



Higher management

3 (0.93%)

5 (0.70%)

5.9039, 0.116

8 (0.77%)

Own business/shopkeeper

20 (6.23%)

70 (9.74%)


90 (8.65%)

Manual labourer

287 (89.41%)

631 (87.76%)


918 (88.27%)


11 (3.43%)

13 (1.81%)


24 (2.31%)

  1. Time of implementation:
  2. 2009;
  3. 2010;
  4. 2011 32(9.97%), 190(59.19%) and 99(30.84%).