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Table 2 Formulas from classic and cyclical feeding models. A comparison of classic formulae with those from cyclical feeding models [8]. In the third column, a simple alternative is given using a term defined in an earlier row. For direct comparison, the formula fQ is used instead of a. Also, ε denotes the number of adult mosquitoes that emerge per human per day, and X denotes the proportion of infectious humans. Other parameters are described in Table 1. The emergence rate ε may differ from the number that are feeding for the first time on a human per day, N, used by Saul, et al., depending on the behavior of nulliparous mosquitoes [8,27]. All these formulae are given for a random sample of mosquitoes; sampling methods may take a biased sample of mosquitoes at various stages in the gonotrophic cycle.

From: Statics and dynamics of malaria infection in Anopheles mosquitoes

Classic Model

Cyclical Feeding Model






Length of one feeding cycle


τ ≈ A/f


Chronological age

e-g/f= p1/f

P f


Probability of surviving feeding cycle



Lifespan (days)

1-P f


Proportion of parous mosquitoes


Human Blood Index (HBI)


Proportion of Infected Mosquitoes

e -gn

P e

Probability of surviving incubation period

Z = Y P e

Sporozoite Rate


Stability Index


εQ/(1-P f )


Human Biting Rate (HBR)


Lifetime Transmission Potential (β)


Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR)

εS 2 P e

Vectorial Capacity (C)

bcS 2 P e

Vectorial Capacity, per Mosquito (V)

cSP e

Individual Vectorial Capacity (IC)


Basic Reproductive Number, R0