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Table 2 Treatment outcome reported in efficacy trials in Tanzania

From: Monitoring of efficacy and safety of artemisinin-based anti-malarials for treatment of uncomplicated malaria: a review of evidence of implementation of anti-malarial therapeutic efficacy trials in Tanzania

Study ID

Day-28 PCR-corrected % cure rate (95% CI)


97.0 (NR)

TZ001_AS + AQ

91.0 (NR)

TZ002_ AL

97.2 (NR)

TZ002_ AS + AQ

88.8 (NR)

TZ003_ AL

100.0 (NR)

TZ003_ AS + AQ

93.8 (NR)

TZ004_ AL

91.0 (NR)

TZ004_ AZ + AS

68.0 (NR)

TZ005_ AL

98.8 (95.5-99.7)

TZ005*_ AL

98.2 (94.5-99.4)

TZ006_ AL

95.1 (91.4-97.7)

TZ007_ AL

96.0 (NR)

TZ008_ AL

100.0 (NR)

TZ009_ AL

100.0 (NR)

  1. TZ005_AL was the same study split into supervised and unsupervised*arm.
  2. 95% CI = 95% Confidence interval;
  3. NR = Not reported.