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Table 4 Knockdown (±standard error) and mortality (±standard error) rates of A. funestus (Balama and Mocuba district) and A. gambiae s. from Milange district exposed to different sides of combination LLIN Permanet 3.0

From: Bio-efficacy of new long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets against Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae from central and northern Mozambique

Permanet 3.0 sides

Mosquito tested per site

Bio-efficacy indexes

Study sites

Balama (A. funestus)

Mocuba (A. funestus)

Milange (A. gambiae)

Lower side (border)


KD 60 (±se)

90 (±2.06)

84.58 (±1.91)

100 (±0.00)

Mortality rate (±se)

81.46 (±3.69)

87.29 (±2.10)

98.33 (±1.15)

Upper side


KD 60 (±se)

93.33 (±1.92)

80 (±2.60)

99 (±1)

Mortality rate (±se)

82.29 (±3.35)

88.54 (±2.13)

99 (±1)



KD 60 (±se)

100 (±0.00)

96.67 (±1.55)

100 (±0.00)

Mortality rate (±se)

100 (±0.00)

99.17 (±0.83)

100 (±0.00)

  1. Highlighted cell indicates where significant difference between knockdown and mortality rate of vector was found at 5 % significance level