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Table 4 Challenges and risks encountered in vector control and recommendations for improvement in Eritrea

From: Consolidating strategic planning and operational frameworks for integrated vector management in Eritrea

Challenges and risks encountered

Recommendations for improvement

Limited requisite infrastructure, technical and institutional capacity for entomology laboratory

Strengthen the infrastructure (sentinel sites, laboratory and insectary facilities), technical and human resource capacity for entomology at established sentinel sites

Collaboration with external research and academic institutions to support decision making for IRM and vector control is non-existent

Strengthen collaboration of all partners with vested interest in entomological and insecticide resistance monitoring including internal and external research and academic institutions

Lack of a database for vector control and key entomological parameters, including insecticide resistance with only very minimal skills for data management

Establish data management systems and operate a comprehensive entomological database at national level

Limited adherence to existing guidelines for vector control

Regularly update the IVM guideline, to encompass all strategic aspects of IRS, LLINs and LSM, according to prevailing eco-epidemiological stratification of malaria in the country

Very minimal vector surveillance has been conducted due to limited technical capacity. Limited capacity for IRS quality monitoring and lack of consistency in conducting this activity

Improve technical capacity for vector surveillance and select and implement Interventions based on spatial and temporal distribution of the vectors species, including resistance profiles and heterogeneities in their resting and feeding attributes

Limited resistance data, including underlying mechanisms due to minimal technical capacity resulting in ill-informed decisions on insecticide use for vector control

Implement the GPIRM by regularly revising and elaborating insecticide resistance monitoring and management plan guided by vector surveillance

Lack of IRS supervision checklists for monitoring spraying activities

There is need to develop LLINs and LSM guidelines to streamline quantification and distribution of commodities, and IRS supervision checklists

There is weak coordination of partner involvement and contribution in LLIN distribution

Coordination of partners involved in LLIN distribution should be strengthened and the contribution of each partner should be well documented