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Table 4 Top ranked facilitators to ITN use from free listing and ranking activity

From: Understanding the gap between access and use: a qualitative study on barriers and facilitators to insecticide-treated net use in Ghana

Type of participants

Central region

Eastern region

Northern region

Community leaders

To prevent malaria

To prevent mosquito bites

To avoid hospital bills/cost

To prevent malaria

Educated about (the purpose of) ITNs

To prevent mosquito bites

To protect against malaria

To save money from hospital bills and to be healthy to work

To protect against other insects, such as ants, flies, and rodents

Caretakers of children under 5 years

To prevent malaria

To have a sound sleep

To prevent mosquito bites

To prevent malaria

To prevent convulsion in children

To prevent miscarriage or malaria in pregnancy

To protect against malaria

To protect against mosquito bites

To remain healthy

Participants > 49 years

To prevent malaria

To prevent mosquito bite

To have a sound sleep

To protect ourselves

To prevent malaria

To prevent sickness and death

To prevent malaria

To protect against mosquito bites

To protect against other illnesses

Health workers

To be healthy

To avoid economic cost of health care

To prevent mosquito bites

To prevent malaria

To protect from mosquito bites

To prevent rodents entering the room

To prevent mosquito bites

To protect against other insects

To save family money

Male 18–49 years

To prevent malaria

To prevent mosquito bites

To avoid spending money at the hospital

To prevent malaria

To prevent insect bites

To prevent sickness

To prevent malaria

To prevent high expenditure at the hospital

To prevent mosquito bites

Female 18–49 years

To prevent mosquito bites

To prevent malaria

To stay healthy

To prevent malaria

To prevent black flies

To prevent other sickness

To prevent malaria

To prevent mosquito bites

To protect against other insects, wild geckos, and cockroaches