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Table 1 Key secondary data sources and measures

From: Exploring the use of routinely-available, retrospective data to study the association between malaria control scale-up and micro-economic outcomes in Zambia


Link to causal pathway (Fig. 1)


Level of data aggregation

Year and frequency of source

Definition of variables in model from data source

Ownership of ITN and/or receipt of IRS

Primary treatment variable



2006, 2008, and 2010

Per cent of households by district that own at least one ITN/LLIN and/or received IRS in previous 12 months

Use of ITNs/LLINs

Intermediate treatment variable



2006, 2008, and 2010

Per cent of household members by district who slept under an ITN/LLIN previous night

Use of ITNs/LLINs and/or receipt of IRS

Intermediate treatment variable



2006, 2008, and 2010

Constructed variable combining ‘use of ITNs/LLINs’ with ‘receipt of IRS’ (since the variable may exceed 100%, the authors capped the variable at 100% in the main analysis but tested other definitions in robustness checks. Note that unlike the Ownership variable, the authors cannot control for overlap between households that use ITNs and are in sprayed dwellings)

Per cent of household members by district who slept under an ITN/LLIN previous night and/or received IRS in the previous 12 months

Economic outcomes




December 2006,

February 2010

Household monthly food expenditure

Total household monthly expenditure

Per cent of school-age children currently in school

Years of education attained among school-aged individuals or older

Household’s annual production of maize, nuts, potatoes, and cassava

District-level characteristics

Control variables



December 2006

February 2010

Average number of children 18 years or younger in the household

Average number of children 5 years or younger in the household

Average household size

Per cent of workers and those looking for work by business type

Per cent of household heads who have completed at least primary education

Per cent of households with female household head

Per cent of households in rural areas

Household monthly food expenditure

Total household monthly expenditure

Per cent of school-age children currently in school

Years of education among school-aged individuals or older

Household’s annual production of maize, nuts, potatoes, and cassava



2006, 2008, and 2010

Prevalence of malaria parasite infection among children 5 years and under



Quarterly data for 2005–2008; monthly data 2009–2010

Data come for all hospitals, health centres, and health posts

Total number of outpatient malaria cases (confirmed and clinical) for children and adults by district


GIS 90 m


Elevation by district (mean, median, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation)


GIS 0.25°

Annual per agricultural season

Rainfall inches per growing season (October of prior year to September of current year)

  1. MIS Malaria Indicator Survey, NMCC National Malaria Control Centre, HMIS health management information system, LCMS Living Conditions Monitoring Survey, NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, CGIAR-CSI Consortium for Spatial Information, LLIN long-lasting insecticide-treated net