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Table 2 Potential and final study wards

From: Description of the design of a mixed-methods study to assess the burden and determinants of malaria transmission for tailoring of interventions (microstratification) in Ibadan and Kano metropolis

Cluster number

Ibadan metro area

Perceptions of ward characteristics per cluster in Ibadan

Kano metro area

Perceptions of ward characteristics per cluster in Kano


Owode, Olopomewa

Olopomewa and Owode exhibited significant differences. Olopomewa had tarred roads and high-quality housing. Roads in Owode were untarred and had lower-quality housing

Dorayi, Goron Dutse

Both Dorayi and Goron Dutse were densely populated and had a mix of low- and high-quality housing. Both wards appeared to be undergoing redevelopments


Challenge, Basorun, Asanke

Environmental characteristics were roughly similar in Challenge, Basorun and Asanke. Roads were mostly untarred and housing infrastructure was aged

Fagge D2, Kwachiri

Fagge D2 and Kwachiri were dissimilar. Kwachiri was described as a commercial hub with very few residential houses. Fagge D2 was a densely populated residential ward with medium to poor quality housing


Ode Aje, Agugu

Residents’ socio-economic status and environmental characteristics in Ode Aje and Agugu were observed as roughly similar. Residents were perceived to be of low-income, wards were densely populated, and roads were untarred

Tudun Wazurchi, Sani Mainagge

Tudun Wazruchi and Sani Mainagge were perceived to be dissimilar. Housing quality was of poor to medium quality in Tudun Wazurchi and of higher quality in Sani Mainagge



Only one ward was visited in this cluster. Bashorun had good road network and the socio-economic status of residents was perceived to be high

Gobirawa, Kofar Ruwa

Gobirawa was found to be densely populated ward with medium to low quality housing and untarred street roads. Kofar Ruwa was a commercial hub with few residential areas



Zango, Shahuchi

Both Zango and Shahuchi have varied housing quality ranging from high to poor quality. Zango appeared to have more areas where gutters were filled with rubbish

  1. Final study wards are in bold