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Table 1 Comparison of the period before and after various interventions

From: Malaria control – lessons learned from trends of Malaria indices over three decades in Karnataka, India

Before and after intervention as binary predictor variable

Malaria incidence

Death incidence

LLIN introduction a

IRR (95% CI)

0.103 (0.059, 0.180)

0.083 (0.018, 0.377)


< 0.001 (*)

0.001 (*)

ACT and RDT introduction b

IRR (95% CI)

0.149 (0.092, 0.243)

0.312 (0.115, 0.846)


< 0.001 (*)

0.022 (*)

Introduction of Guppy and Gambusia fishes as biological vector control c

IRR (95% CI)

0.324 (0.188, 0.558)

1.399 (0.364, 5.373)


< 0.001 (*)


  1. IRR Incidence rate ratio, LLIN Long lasting insecticidal treated nets, ACT Artemisinin-based combination therapies, RDT Rapid Diagnostic Testing
  2. (*) denotes p-value is significant at 5% level of significance
  3. a Years from 1991–2009 considered as before LLIN introduction and 2010–2021 as after LLIN introduction
  4. b Years from 1991–2005 considered as before ACT and RDT introduction and 2006–2021 as after ACT and RDT introduction
  5. c Years from 1991–1996 considered as before introduction of Guppy and Gambusis fishes and 1997–2021 as after introduction