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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population

From: Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum carriage at the end of the dry season is associated with subsequent infection and clinical malaria in Eastern Gambia


Cohort 1: December 2014–March 2016, % (n/N)

Cohort 2: July 2016–December 2016, % (n/N)

Male sex

46.3 (458/989)

44.1 (565/1280)



33.4 (335/1003)

20.6 (264/1284)


66.6 (668/1003)

48.4 (622/1284)



11.1 (142/1284)



19.9 (256/1284)

Age groups (years)

 < 5

22.1 (219/1003)

16.2 (207/1280)


33.9 (335/1003)

39.3 (503/1280)

 > 15

44.0 (435/1003)

44.5 (570/1280)




57.2 (688/1203)



22.5 (271/1203)



18.9 (227/1203)



1.4 (17/1203)

Slept under a LLIN last night


76.4 (916/1195)

History of fever in the past week


4.0 (48/1195)

Fever at inclusion


0.8 (10/860)

  1. LLIN long-lasting insecticidal net; –: not determined
  2. aAnaemia is classified based on age and sex (WHO, 2011)