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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of study participants from the two study sites

From: Effectiveness of artemether–lumefantrine for treating uncomplicated malaria in low- and high-transmission areas of Ghana


KMC (N = 56)

LH (N = 28)

p value

Gender (% male)



< 0.0001

Mean age in years (range)

9.4 (1–35)

5.39 (2–17)


Mean axillary temperature (°C) (range)

37.7 (36.7–39.6)

38.4 (35.8–40.4)

< 0.0001

Mean asexual parasite density (parasites/µL of blood) (range)

48,615.86 (480–282,000)

71,869 (6000–490,000)

< 0.0001

Mean sexual parasite density (gametocytes/µL of blood) (range)

2.57 (16–48)

  1. P values were calculated using differences in mean values or differences in proportions with Medcalc